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Imported Machinery

Bringing overseas products into the domestic market under the same standards as domestic products.

Mikuni Kikai Kogyo conducts thorough investigations into manufacturers and product information worldwide. Following meticulous on-site inspections of overseas factories, we establish dealership agreements and propose products tailored to meet the needs of our customers.


Why Choose Us To Import Machineries

Mikuni Kikai Kogyo has a long history and experience in handling foreign products.

During the high economic growth period of the 1960s, we supplied the latest machinery from Europe and America to domestic petrochemical and steel plants, where there were no domestic equivalents yet. Since the 1980s, to support the overseas export projects of Japanese engineering companies and plant manufacturers, we have been selling products that meet international standards, such as API (American Petroleum Institute), which could not be met by domestic products.

In the early 2010s, in response to the global shift towards renewable energy and decarbonization, we introduced advanced European technologies such as pressure wave soot blowers and AEM water electrolysis systems to the Japanese market.

Typically, customers may harbor reservations about adopting foreign products due to concerns regarding quality, delivery schedules, and stable supply compared to domestic alternatives. Nevertheless, drawing upon our extensive experience spanning over six decades in managing foreign product portfolios, Mikuni Kikai Kogyo has adeptly addressed these challenges. We consistently deliver solutions of unparalleled quality, ensuring our offerings match domestic standards and garnering acclaim for our unwavering dedication to resolving any issues associated with foreign products while providing identical levels of service and support.

1.Delivery Schedule and Quality Assurance

Unlike typical trading companies that merely place orders with overseas manufacturers for resale, Mikuni Kikai Kogyo takes a different approach. We assume full responsibility for the products we sell under our brand, managing project schedules in-house to ensure timely delivery. Our meticulous process involves thoroughly verifying specifications against blueprints and physical samples to meet our customers' requirements. Additionally, we accommodate customer preferences by sourcing electrical components and tanks domestically in Japan for assembly.

2.Language Support

Given that we supply products under the Mikuni Kikai Kogyo brand, it is standard practice for us to provide our clients with documents and blueprints in Japanese. While some firms may rely on translation software, we maintain a professional standard by having our in-house engineers translate materials into clear and comprehensible industrial Japanese for our customers.

3.Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with domestic regulatory standards is essential not only with JIS but also with regulations such as the Electricity Business Act, High Pressure Gas Safety Act, and regional ordinances when operating imported machinery. Mikuni Kikai Kogyo collaborates with clients, drawing upon our extensive track record and experience to ensure thorough compliance across both hardware and software dimensions.

4.On-site After-Sales Service

In case of any initial or operational challenges, along with routine or emergency maintenance needs, our maintenance team will promptly mobilize onsite. Our foremost objective is to minimize downtime for our clients. To achieve this, we maintain emergency inventory and offer lifelong support to guarantee seamless operations.

In the face of domestic market reduction, domestic manufacturers are strategically realigning their resources and capital, resulting in not only the cessation of essential production to many clients but also the discontinuation of existing product lines. Additionally, within the realms of renewable energy and decarbonization, it is regrettable that domestic manufacturers lag significantly behind their European counterparts in technological advancement, a delay of nothing less than 15 years. This disparity presents a formidable challenge in adequately offering solutions towards achieving decarbonization targets by 2050. (This assessment is based on general observations.)

In order for our customers to continue their operations with peace of mind and manufacture competitive and decarbonized products in the future, the adoption of imported machinery is essential both as replacements for existing products and as sources of new added value. We strongly encourage our customers to leverage Mikuni Kikai Kogyo's expertise in handling foreign products.

Moreover, if there are products not featured in Mikuni Kikai Kogyo’s product catalog, we encourage our customers to reach out for support. If any of the following rings a bell -- “we are looking for a potential solution we have in mind”, “we are interested in imported machinery but we have reservations on direct communication with overseas suppliers”, “we are dissatisfied with current imported machinery support and we hope for Mikuni Kikai Kogyo’s intervention to facilitate to resolution”, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly.